
Panthea brings you poise ,
a ground breaking measure of the key
psychogenic drivers of potential


Our pioneering method will enable you to extract more performance from your youth. How? We capture the nuanced psychogenic facets that underpin potential, allowing you to have a handle on the intricacies of performance in the workplace.

Grounded on the theory of positive and performance psychology, our goal is to instil behaviours, abilities, and responsibilities into young people, so that the future of work becomes a place full of wonder and awe, where enlightened leadership is intrinsic, where inclusion is inherent and where learning and innovating does not stop when they leave work. We are here to radically alter the way young people think and act at work.

One of our programmes, Futurity™, a 5-day development programme is designed to meet the evolving needs of your young workforce and support the development of flexible, growth-minded people. To do this, we are creating a learning framework that provides the capability, opportunity, and motivation to do things differently.

A women looking at camera

What is POISE?

POISE is a revolutionary psychometric profile, uniquely positioned to decode the complexities of individual strengths, motivations, and personality traits across a spectrum of fifteen scales carefully organised into the four distinctive groups.

These are Purpose, Presence, Power, and Play, and they are complemented by a social desirability scale. This integrated approach is an essential element of our Futurity Programme, providing a comprehensive understanding of individuals' characteristics and potential, ultimately guiding them on a path to Propel.

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Guiding Recruitment Decisions: We will leverage the capabilities of POISE to optimise your company recruitment process. By crafting interview questions grounded in the profile's principles, the organisation ensures a seamless alignment between candidates innate attributes and the organisation's core values and requirements. Our customisation is unparalleled to ensure your company maximises from our products.

Empowering Futurity Programme Participants: The success of our Futurity Programme hinges on its ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of participants. POISE lays the foundation by revealing individual strengths and areas primed for development, thus facilitating targeted growth initiatives. Our ethos is to build long term partnerships and constantly observe the growth in Pantheans throughout their career, fostering a community dedicated to ongoing development.

Shaping Assessment Center Exercises: The POISE model underpins the design of assessment centre exercises, offering a structured lens through which qualities such as Curiosity, Creativity, Collaboration, and Boldness can be objectively evaluated. This enriched assessment process augments decision-making aptitude. What we do differently is design, develop and deliver customised assessment centres, ensuring the evaluation process aligns with your company objectives.

Our Norm Group: The scores will be benchmarked against a norm group consisting of Middle Eastern youth, setting us apart from the typical international, European, or United States norm groups. This unique benchmarking process ensures that our facilitators, organisations, and young participants receive a clear, relevant, targeted, and user-friendly report, tailored specifically to the Middle Eastern context, giving us a distinct competitive edge.

Our Team: Our team, equipped with a profound understanding of Middle East youth, will skilfully navigate you through the process, seamlessly aligning your talent management strategies with our extensive research and theoretical expertise.

The Theory

POISE draws inspiration from a rich blend of academic disciplines, encompassing Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Performance Psychology, and Cognitive Science.

Rooted in robust theoretical underpinnings and bolstered by empirical research, POISE strikes an elegant equilibrium between statistical rigor and pragmatic utility, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in a professional context. As an organisation, you gain access to a wealth of academic and empirical knowledge translated into actionable insights.

Our mission is clear: to EMPOWER today's youth to discover meaning in their work, cultivating a profound sense of PURPOSE. We do this by nurturing their inherent STRENGTHS, helping them align their PASSION with their PURPOSE, and guiding them toward harmonising their individual aspirations with the broader corporate vision.

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+44 (0)207 118 2777+44 (0)794 430 0553hello@panthea.group
Panthea Group Ltd, 77 Brook Street, London, W1K 4HX