Rise to Thrive - The Mighty Power of Your Mind

1st May 2023 • Maryam Saif

After undergoing a five-day water fast in the Austrian Alps, I came away with some valuable insights that I would like to share.

Resilience. Going without food for five days requires a strong mental resolve to override the body's natural cravings. This discipline can be applied in many areas of life, allowing us to control our thoughts and emotions for our own betterment.

Gratitude. It's important to be grateful for the small things in life. During my fast, I found joy in the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet, the chirping of the birds, and the warmth of a hot water bottle. Practicing gratitude for oneself and others every day can bring tremendous benefits.

Peak Performance. On the fourth day of my fast, I experienced a heightened level of clarity and creativity that I had not felt in a long time. I was able to generate new ideas and projects with laser sharp focus. This experience showed me that with the right mindset, we can push ourselves to achieve greater heights than we thought possible.

Abundance. When we strip away the excess and focus on the essentials, we discover that we can live with a lot less than we thought. Removing waste and toxicity from our lives can help us reset and rediscover what truly matters.

Rise to Thrive. Upon awakening daily at 4am, one becomes cognizant of the surplus hours available to accomplish tasks. Would it not be reasonable to allocate some of this time towards self-care for both the intellect and physique?

Wellness begins in the mind.



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